A community based voluntary team initiated in the mid of 2014 with an objective to Plant more tree saplings; maintain saplings till they grow as Tree. Later activities on clean city and polythene eradication have been initiated. With a motto of Clean and Green city volunteers with different age groups are involved in social activities in field by regularly every Sunday and occasionally in week days. From 2013 to 2021 we completed 417 activities.
The activities included are:
A. Project Green Earth:
We involve in planting native saplings of flowering, fruit bearing etc; selected and planted based on the location. Plantation focused at Public government areas like roads, water body bunds and Schools, Colleges etc.

Miyawaki forest in urban areas has been successfully implemented in Three Urban localities.

Palm Seeding has been carried out as an early one time activity by collecting seeds and seeding at water bodies each year minimum 10000 nos.

Seed ball are prepared with native tree’s seed and dispersed the seed in lands which need green cover.

Advertisement boards nailed and hanged on trees are removed to save the trees and increase their life span

All these voluntary activities have been done with ensuring minimal public participation to aware them on green earth.
Project Clean Earth:
Polythene eradication activities have carried both on ground cleaning and Awareness. Removed polythene and inorganic wastes from Water bodies and its channels, forest areas, Schools and Colleges, Public areas like Bustops, Railway stations etc.

A rally combined with general public, educational institutions, clubs, associations with more than 500 individuals participation in the event.
Medical and Blood donation camps:
We conduct blood donation camps with hospitals in a period of twice a year. Supporting patients who in need of bloods in emergency. Also connect patients and donors in saving life through blood donations.

Free medical camps are conducted regularly with distribution of medicines and doctors advice with free of cost.
Support financially to the needy for the hospital treatment and ailments.
Distribution of Traditional medicines like Nilavembu kasayam and kabasura neer to fight against dengue and corona.

Volunteered to support with government at Corona camps, ward and material distribution to affected. Also supported general public with medicine purchase and supplies on this pandemic situation.
Natural Disaster and Calamities:
Actively participated in Cuddalore, Chennai flood, Kerala flood and Kaja Cyclone affected areas. Distributed Food and shelter materials to all affected families and individuals. More than 5000 families are benefitted by our support.

At the time of Corona pandemic and Lockdown for the First and Second wave we supported with cooked food parcel distribution of 50000 parcels and benefitting the low income / poor families with rice and groceries upto 6000 families.

Education Support:
Supporting students for their education who are pursuing their academic in school, college, competitive exams and extracurricular like computer course, sports etc.

Festive celebration at orphanages :
On the festive occasion Deepawali, Pongal, Christmas, Ramjan, Independence day, Republic day we celebrate at orphanages caring children, Oldage, Mentally Retarded, HIV affected, tribal communities and with downtrodden people by providing New dresses, food, groceries, sports materials, etc.

Awareness Rally and campaigns:
We believe in Awareness to general Public could bring change with whole of the society. So we have conducted and participated many awareness rally and campaigns.

Polythene eradication awareness rally has been initiated to stop use of one time use polythene bags which severely harming the environment, blocks the water channel, pollute the soil, not let the rain water to drain into the soil.
Campaigning at historical monuments to educate our volunteers and general public to know India’s pride and safe guard the monunments.
Public property and safety activity:
We also involved in repairing of damaged roads by filling of debris, building temporary reflectors in the median and road sides, clearing of sands from road corners to avoid bike skirting.

Donate for a Sunday activity Rs. 2000/.
Donate to plant a tree Rs. 500/.